Liturgy Committee
The liturgy committee coordinates the organizing and preparing the liturgy, utilizing the special gifts and talents of parishioners with the following ministries: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, Lectors, Cantors, Musicians, and Ushers.
Chair: Mark Windmiller, 410-330-3056 or
Music Ministries
To provide quality and variety of music for our faith community by utilizing the gifts of our parishioners.
Commitment: Members should feel comfortable serving and be able to schedule practice before Mass.
For more information please contact the Parish Office at 410-228-4770 or stmarys@comcast net
Altar Guild
To care for the altar linens, and vestments; to replace candles and clean the altars.
Commitment: Willingness to care for environment in the church.
For more information please contact the Parish Office at 410-228-4770.
Altar Servers
To assist in the preparation and celebration of Mass and other services. Training is provided.
Open to third grade and above. Must have received the Holy Eucharist sacrament.
For more information please contact the Parish Office at 410-228-4770
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
To assist with the distribution of Holy Communion during weekend and/or weekday Mass. Also distributing Holy Communion to the homebound or those admitted to hospice, the hospital, assisted living centers, or to those who are unable to attend Mass.
Commitment: Open to parishioners who have received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. and actively practice their faith. Training is required.
For more information please contact the Parish Office at 410-228-4770
To proclaim the Scripture readings at Mass with clarity and reverence.
Commitment: Should have a love for God's word. Member should also feel comfortable reading in front of people, have a clear speaking voice and can be heard using the microphone. Training is available.
For more information please contact the Parish Office at 410-228-4770
To welcome people to church, take up the collections, ensuring an orderly flow during Holy Communion and handing out bulletins.
Commitment: Must be able to welcome people and direct them when needed at weekend Masses and Holy Days of Obligation.
For more information please contact the Parish Office at 410-228-4770